In the we-space, we heal and evolve

In the we-space, we heal and evolve

What if toxic masculinity (masculine as a principle present in both men and women) was self-absorption, in other words, narcissism? Narcissism is defined as selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. Don’t we all carry such traits in our ego-self? Isn’t the ego-self omnipotent per definition, a self-absorbed mechanism of the thinking mind? And where does it lead us? To take care of our personal self first and foremost, eventually, at the detriment of others – it is the me-first we all know well in the secrets of our mind.

And where is it coming from? From the false belief that we are separated beings.

Then what is it healthy masculine? How about the ability to hold space? If the mind is masculine and the heart is feminine, in other words, the masculine being mind and logic, and the feminine being feeling and chaos; in an ideal world, the masculine would be the presence that holds space for the flow of energy always happening in the eternal now.

On this day, 2/22/2022, the Hieros Gamos is invited in the sacred chamber of our heart, the marriage between the feminine and the masculine. In numerology, 2-22-222 is a combination of six twos, six is the number of the lover and two symbolizes the basic dualities as feminine and masculine. Together, six and two represent the bond between the opposites that creates their unity. We are invited to move beyond duality into unity through the vehicle of love, on the seat of the heart.

Supremacy of I-self and self-absorbed behaviors have predominated on the Earth, they have masked the quantum truth of existence which is one in light and love, unity of all forms.

The New Earth is an invitation to evolution, the passage into not only recognizing but living our interconnectedness. Recognizing and treating the other as equal, and more so as a mirror of ourselves. In Unity consciousness, there is no more separation and thus the need to care for ourselves first vanishes.

My well-being depends on yours,
my ability to be in love depends on yours,
thus I shall care for yours as much as I care for mine. 

Narcissism is the mental disease of the old world, yes still very present in our societies. It is the disease we shall heal, within ourselves.

How do we heal? We may descend in our body, make the journey down from head to heart, from I-thoughts to feelings. Feelings are a doorway to the spiritual heart, they are of the now, while I-thoughts are mental forms created from the past.

As we attune to our feelings we enter the present moment. Feelings are not emotions. Feelings belong to our sensory body, they detect and respond to the energetic field in which we co-exist. Emotions are the result of our past experiences. When feelings occur they send signals to our subconscious, the reservoir of our past experiences. A feeling creates an emotional reaction when it activates memory, it pushes a button. The emotion is often expressed through verbal projection, a blaming or gratifying of the other for how we feel, depending on the quality of the emotion. Needless to say, blame is condemnation, it creates strife and conflict, and at the global scale wars.

In this scenario, we are part of the whole and react to it according to our subconscious, our hidden memories, all the relevant information that determine what we make up of the world around us.

Our journey together, at this magical time of evolution, is to clear up the subconscious for the energetic triggers of reaction to disappear. We clear our individual subconscious by attuning to the now, in the body, listening to feelings. They guide us to the subconscious from which emotional reactions are generated. Now we have the opportunity to heal.

How do we heal? Through loving awareness. Activating the heart’s capacity to include and embrace, in one word to love what is. We take responsibility for how we feel and react and consciously chose the high road of resolution versus conflict and righteousness. We listen to our feelings and we listen to the other, also a human with past experiences. Together, we make the journey home, in the heart, where we are all one, interconnected, and interdependent. Together, we collaborate and participate in our evolution.

As we clear the individual subconscious and cease to feed darkness to the collective, we clear the collective subconscious. We are all dynamic parts of the whole. How we feel and behave informs and creates the All, our togetherness, the we-space.


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Isa Vasanti

Midwife of Souls

My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind. 

Isa Vasanti

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