When the Dark force lurks at you

When the Dark force lurks at you

Isn’t it so often happening? If we were enlightened, at every moment of our life, it would never happen.


The dark force works through our fear. Its goal is to generate distrust to get us in the dark, in fear, away from the light of the eternal truth. In definitive, its aim is to distract us from the divine light, one and all-encompassing. It creates an illusion and a veil, the lie of existence that we are separated beings at the mercy of the lord of Death. It hides the truth of who we truly are.

The dark force suggests we be afraid – the ultimate fear is the fear of death. Death is our destruction and annihilation if we believe we are the body, the separate entity. 

Nonetheless, who we truly are is Spirit, the Soul having a human experience, the spark of light that glows within as the awareness, pure and untethered, immortal. 
To realize the true Self is the invitation of our time. It means to shift our self-identification from the body that will die, into the consciousness that we are. 
Consciousness is all-encompassing. It is the space that includes everything and it is the light that illuminates All That Is. Space is the womb of creation and light is its force, in other words, the divine or God when the feminine and the masculine are united. 

We live at a pivotal time in human history, a time of transition when the paradigm of consciousness is shifting, from dual consciousness to unity consciousness. 

In dual consciousness, there is good and evil, light and dark. The darkness belongs to the 4th dimension where thought forms define reality. Thoughts are multiple, they pertain to division and separation, therefore creating a reality structured in separated and independent forms. In higher consciousness, in the 5th dimension, there is unity, one living organism, the matrix that contains all that is, and the light that creates everything.

We are Consciousness. We can enter this new dimension of reality where light prevails over darkness, including evil in its infinite belly.

When the darkness lurks at you and gets you afraid, look at it, face the demons and invite them for tea. Have a conversation with them, ask them what they need, then make an offering. The ultimate offering is that of your body, of your human life knowing that you are immortal. Who you truly are was never born and will never die. You are consciousness, the light that is your awareness.

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Isa Vasanti

Midwife of Souls

My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind. 

Isa Vasanti

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