Bridging the Soul

Bridging the Soul

When the world is appearing so chaotic, frenetic, and frazzled; when confusion is the modus operandi of our society, we need tools and practice to return to what is true and essential.

The stress level of our world has gone so high that we easily get lost in the rambles of our ego self, a tight box we created in the course of our life. Similarly, we are quickly triggered in the pain body. The ego, although a beneficial aspect of our humaneness, results in a narrow and limited sense of self, based on past experiences and old beliefs, defining us as long as we continue to run them in our heads. And yet they are not who we truly are!

The ego self is based on the illusion of the separate self, and the ignorance of our interconnectivity with all things. We have lost our connection to the source as we are lost in the thinking mind. We think of ourselves rather than being ourselves.
To return to who we truly are, the light and wonderment of the soul, we shall make the journey from the head to the heart, the seat of the soul.

The box of the ego is based on the fear paradigm, implanted in our brain by dogmas and values exterior to our inner truth. From religion to familial ethics and values, the mind has been programmed to neuropathways repeating themselves in continuous loops. They create the box we call the ego.

Liberating ourselves is moving out of the box, where old patterns and beliefs are of the law of Karma. The programming of the mind exists on a linear timeline, where the future is controlled by the past. Such mind programming creates linear time itself.  Both brain and body carry the marks of conditioning, both living in time and space. The way out is here and now, reclaining our free will to choose the frequency we emit and the state of consciousness we realize.

Be here now Ram Das told us. Abiding in the moment is returning to a place of connectivity and awe, where the myriads of forms and shapes shimmer in the stillness of every moment. There, everything stops for us to be with, a re-connection with the beauty of what is, the “I” merges with the beloved and enter the circle of life. When we accept unconditionally, we take the bridge of love, the path of the heart.

The beloved manifests in every form, a flower, a child, a pet, a spouse, a river, a bird, a snake, a lion, or any sentient being. The beloved exists because we open our hearts to Thou.

Such is the path of love guiding our liberation.


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Isa Vasanti

Midwife of Souls

My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind. 

Isa Vasanti

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