Midwife of Souls

Bridging the Soul

When the world is appearing so chaotic, frenetic, and frazzled; when confusion is the modus operandi of our society, we need tools and practice to return to what is true […]

Bridging dimensions

There is a tendency in American culture to plug into greatness, and happiness – “all is beautiful under the sky”. It is a beautiful trait that indeed can take us […]

From slavery to freedom

We, humans, have to reclaim the rights to our planet Earth. A long time ago, the human race fell out of her divine blueprint. We fell into unconsciousness – the […]

Woman Shaman

woman shaman

In Norse tradition, the Völva is the Woman Shaman, healer and seer. Back in those times, more than 1500 years ago, in Northern Europe, the Völva was the healer who […]

Die before you die

Death is our ultimate fear for as long as we identify with the body-mind, the separate human-self limited in time and space; many sub-consequent fears come along with it. And […]

The parasite and its medicine

Human consciousness is plagued with a virus, a parasite affecting all of us for so long that it is well imbued in the fabric of our world, to the point […]

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