From slavery to freedom

From slavery to freedom

We, humans, have to reclaim the rights to our planet Earth.

A long time ago, the human race fell out of her divine blueprint. We fell into unconsciousness – the mode of Operandi of our slavery. A dark force cast a veil of ignorance upon the people of the Earth and infiltrated into their minds. The dark force wanted and still wants people’s submission, it is indeed a force of dominion. In our human consciousness, it operates like a virus of omnipotence. Most of us walk upon this earth with various fears all pertaining to our survival. We must be the best to survive.

We fight for our rights and we defend our subsistence and persistence, but in the detour of subterfuge, we are still victims of the old codes of domination we have been put into a long time ago.

Our value is measured by the dollars we receive in exchange for our work, with that money we pay for our right to live or rather survive on our planet. Is that the plan of Mother Earth?

Mother Earth birthed bodies for the stars that we are to enjoy her beauty and abundance. She is lavish, she is plentiful, she has enough for us all as she invited us, stars beings, to participate in her bountiful beauty. She never asked for anything, like a good mother she carried us with no condemnation for our mistakes and our choices, may they lead us to our destruction and in hers too, as we have arrived at this point of possible no return. When the Earth is held captive in a technological web (5G is the electrical field of the web) we are held captive inside our own minds. How do we liberate ourselves? We shall step out of our victimhood, to start with.

The dark force that fell onto the earth is a force of dominion that shall now be addressed as we reclaim our rights to our planet by reclaiming our original blueprint of love and unity with the All.

In quantum reality, we exist in the relational field, things only exist in relation to other things; particles only acquire properties through interactions with other particles. As pure energy made of atoms vibrating at different frequencies, we coalesce with each other for the better or the worse: love or strife. When we believe we are separated from the All, we are left alone to care for ourselves and protect from threats and dangers, even though we may be part of large family. Deep in our psyche, we are disconnected, separated.

The divine code of the Universe in which the Earth abides is a geometric web of light and love creating a divine matrix. The heart in the human body, is the organ of reception and the portal into the light-matrix.

We enter into the sacred geometry by letting go of the I-self, the separated sense of self, descending from the head to the heart. We let ourselves fall back into the divine web knowing she is always holding us. It is the great Womb of Creation from which everything is born and where everything returns. There is nothing beyond it, it is everything.

Our divine essence is encoded in our hearts, and it is no less nor more than love.

Anything else than the relational field, the we-space, is an attempt to detour us from our original blueprint as love. What else exists then the we-space? As we have mentioned already, in the matrix of mind , infiltrated by a parasite, is the I-self, separated from the All. Out of the garden you go! The paradise you have been birthed into is snatched from under your feet, just like Persephone was abducted by Hades, the King of the Underworld while being entranced by the beauty of a narcissus flower. Was she a narcissist then?

We fell out of paradise and out of abundance and landed in the Underworld, the unconscious realms where secrets are held, and where the truth is covered up, or manipulated for the sake of our submission. We are held captive in slavery until we reclaim our true nature which is love. When we don’t we are hostage in fear, slaves of strife and victims of control.

The only way out is through awareness, shining light onto the darkness to make it vanish. That simple.

Yet so complicated as we are quite complex creatures. Be not deceived! As we apply ourselves to uncover the shadows, we work for the benefit of all. We tap into the collective unconscious per the detour of our individual unconscious, we sweep the underground with light and love and clear the underworld for all. Soon enough the codes of light will emit on the surface of the earth for the collective to abide into. The Golden Age is the promise of light on Earth, where darkness is only an invitation to embrace, accept and include. As we see it, it is gone!

We are the pioneers of the New Earth and we are the healers!

Healing needs to take place for us to finally deploy our white wings and soar high with the angels. Our ascension only goes with our descent into the depth of our psyche to unleash our power, to get rid of the tight grip the force of dominion has upon us.

We heal our heart, body, and mind by traversing the 4th dimension where demons and predators live, we make the journey with love, embrace, acceptance for the enemies within and without; we traverse by re-activating our original blueprint which is love.

Our healing tool is compassion and compassion is our awakening, our return to the divine-we-space where we are always held, protected, and nourished.


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Isa Vasanti

Midwife of Souls

My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind. 

Isa Vasanti

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