The Sacred wound of the Heart

The Sacred wound of the Heart

In the paradise

As we birth on Mama Gaia and receive a body to navigate earth gravity, we are bound to forget the true Self, where we come from, and where we belong. We eventually fall into the ignorance of self: we believe we are separate entities, all walking around in our skin bubble, believing the body bubble is who we are. But a bubble is very fragile and may pop anytime! And thus we grow into adulthood strengthening the walls of the bubble, even creating shields to protect ourselves from the many dangers of this not so gentle world.

If we are lucky, we are birthed and received with love in our new family, mothered with care and tenderness. The little babies are so fragile in their purity and so needy in their vulnerability, they require constant loving attention to grow into the magnificent beings they hold the potential of in their seed; they require the hands of selfless caregivers to never fall out of paradise and never lose their connection to Love. Quite an ideal situation for the inner child. Unfortunately, such parents would be Saints but Saints are thin on the ground!

Inevitably, the child learns duality through Strife. S/he comes out of paradise, where only love, satisfaction, and safety were the abundant blessings of human existence. The child encounters Strife, the opposite of love, as resistance, dissatisfaction, displeasure, and discontent. Out of the garden you go! 


Out the paradise

Hurt happens and encodes the cells of memories. A vortex of energy is created and lodged in a specific place of the body, like the Ouroboros who bites its tail. A sequence of 1 and 0 creates a network of neurons firing together to create specific programs, the default mode network in the brain.

Strife closes the heart as a consequential protective mechanism. The memory of a primordial wound is programmed when the self is driven out of paradise, where love existed, ease, and peace in the belly of the Mother, the Womb of Creation where everything exists, dies and returns.

The child learned that this world is not so safe, there is danger of suffering because to be taken out of paradise is suffering.

Now that s/he knows about pain there is always the possibility to return to the dark shade of life; the danger lurks and creates fear. The self creates mechanisms to protect itself against the pain and the fear, against the reactivation of the primordial wound. Strategies become the personality and ego-self, the self separated from Love.

The heart closes and loses its ability to abide in peace and satisfaction, in the beatitude of human existence where blessings abound.

Now, the human self is lost, s/he lost her connection with the All, Spirit, the Father and the Mother of all souls, the soul of the world.

To be lost is to be alone.

To be alone is to be lost.

How well can we speak that feeling? We shall feel it.

Allow the profound despair that comes with it. 
Descend so deeply into it that there is no return. 
Allowing yourself to die before the body dies. 

Total surrender.

To Nothing.


You may cry your heart out.

For eternity.

Or until there are no tears to give anymore.

Complete surrender.

Then She may appear in the song of a bird or the wind that swirls around the valley, reminding us we are not alone.


Healing is the awakening to the Matrix around us, the space that contains the All There Is. Its feminine aspect is love, love embraces and holds, with caring grace.

There is human love and there is divine love. Because humans have their personal sacred wound, their giving of satisfaction and love is limited as per their personal makeup. Salvation is only temporary in human love, because the lover, or the mother or the father, may go or cease to love for any personal reason at any point in a relationship. Nevertheless, we shall enjoy it for as long as it is there!

Be that as it may, there is a space that exists with us and around us where Love exists always, it is our true home, the place the soul wants to return to where safety and love existed. This space is the Self prior to the wounding that closed the heart and created a separated self.

Salvation is beyond duality, it is the ascension into unity consciousness.

It is touching upon the Love of God, the Shekinah, the feminine aspect of Spirit. It is returning to our the true Self, one and undifferentiated, One with All Things.

Returning to the Womb of Creation.

We may ask, 
For mercy,
For grace to embrace us.

Ask and you shall receive.

Be you in the belly of the Mother, 
in the Matrix where All is contained. 
Home is here.

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Isa Vasanti

Midwife of Souls

My blog is inspired by the energies moving between the old world, embedded in dual consciousness; and the New Earth, a plane of consciousness where we have by-passed the limitations of the thinking mind. 

Isa Vasanti

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